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Friday, January 15, 2010

Feature Song: Kitty, Daisy & Lewis

It was difficult for me to decide this week what song to choose.  There are so many songs that speak to me on a daily basis - jeez on an hourly or even minute basis.  I could only choose one, so I've chosen the one that reflects how I feel a lot lately.

Besides this trio all being under the age of 20, and the fact that they capture the sound/era magnificently, this is a brilliant version.  The original was by 'Canned Heat' also a brilliant version but different. if I remember correctly it was the opening track to 'Woodstock' (you have to be born after 1969 to know what that is) but even then you've know doubt heard of it considering it was the first outdoor festival that paved the way for our fantastic festivals today - although none quite as famous as Woodstock. This picture gives you an idea :-)

Anyway, this weeks it's all about the song 'Going up Country' by Kitty, Daisy and Lewis.  I just adore their rendition and the country never seemed more attractive when they rockabilly on to it. 

Have fun, stomp the feet, click the fingers and have a damn good sing-a-long.

Midnight rambler going up country...

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