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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

How cool is this?

Welcome to the featured song
I've chosen this song more for the video - I'm not really a great Black Eyed Pea fan but I tell you this got me smiling.  This is corny, feel good stuff I know, but after the 'curve ball' hell I've been in, this cheered me no end. 

It's been around the net since Sept last year so a lot of you may have already seen it but just in case I'm gonna share it with you.  This was a street party that Oprah put on for her 24th season in Chicago!

Remember this clip is more about the visuals rather than the music so watch people, watch! 

This is fun.  Let me know what you think...

Midnight rambler is smiling...


Life has thrown me a bit of a curve ball right now - one that I didn't see coming, or did I?

It's been a tough couple of weeks for me, life has turned me upside down, squeezed me inside out and here I am left in the aftermath with the question what do I do?  Surprisingly, the answer has not come.

How many of you has this happened to?  To find yourself recovering from 'whatever' to find you have no answer to the confusion and chaos that spilled into your life from nowhere!  Bang - just out of leftfield, out of the blue - no friggin idea it was coming.  YES, I DID!  Warning bells were written all over this little escapade into hell and I ignored them. 


Because I'm invincible of course!  Aren't you?  Just kidding - this was a 'curve ball' a little 'life lesson' that had the potential to be huge and still does if I don't take action now.  So I come back to the question - how do I solve this crisis/dilemma/end of the world catastrophe.  How big or small is this curve in my life path?  As big or as small as I make it I suppose - so long as I don't ignore it.  I think that is the key to finding the answer. 

When the universe hits you with a big one you can't help but feel flattened, disheartened, depressed, in pain (coz it it god damn hurts!) literally and figuratively.  But slowly in your own time, get back up again, and this time do it differently, change something - anything that you believe led you here in the first place. 

As the dust settles and I bury that 'bloody' ball and I let go of the pain, the hurt, the disappointments, I will move forward on my desired, life-long, passionate path and soon I will know the answer - right?

I don't know.

But for now I have to hope that taking a step back, taking notice of the larger invisible forces around me that either manifest in the body, or the heart, or the soul or wherever they decide to find a home - and find a home they will!
because one thing I've learned that 'curve balls' aren't supposed to ruin our lives. They come to us to improve our lives by forcing us to stop and take stock of what's important.

Are you taking stock of what's important? 

Easier said than done?  Not really, it's easy to stop - it's just finding the courage to make the necessary change that can be hard. 

All I know is those 'curve balls' damn well hurt and I will find the courage to do something - 'oh like find the answer'.  I can hope, but in the meantime I have to make sure those suckers don't get me again!

Midnight rambler is burying the nasty curve ball....