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Friday, January 30, 2009

To know the road ahead, ask those coming back. ~Chinese proverb~

Listening to: Roots n all – Triple J

I haven’t posted since my return from Egypt and quite frankly I’ve had nothing to say – well at least I’ve felt like I’ve had nothing to say (surprising to some I’m sure, ahem). So many things happened on my return that it’s taken me this long to process what has happened and my reactions to them. Now, I feel I have some head space to say something. Attending the Aurealis awards on Saturday night had something to do with that. So good to reconnect with some very special people. And HUGE congrats to all the winners and nominees. Let’s not forget the nominees, having your work nominated is confirmation that these are amazing writers worthy of an award. And of course let’s not forget everyone else who was published in the past year but not nominated. Should we be offering them commiserations or still a big congrats for getting their work out there? I think I will go with the latter. I feel lighter and stronger for having these amazing people in my life. For all the award winners and nominees check it out

So…to get back to having something to say – or perhaps more appropriate, having something I WANT to say. On my walk today the ocean was tumultuous, murky – a bit of a reflection of not so much my mood but my direction in life. My journey personally and as a writer. A journey that will no doubt take a different direction in the coming months/years. I’m at a crossroads – just what path will I take? Interesting times we live in. I returned to a global recession, which is bound to have an impact on all of us in one way or another.

On my walk I found myself so lost in thought and the murky depths of the ocean waves crashing against the rocks that I had walked much farther than I had planned. It is so amazing to be so lost in thought sometimes, even though I try to live in the moment, but for that moment I was. I was lost in nowhere space and it felt nice, comforting and creative.

In this moment of being ‘lost in nowhere space’ I was sort of in the past as well – no it was more like a ‘living in the moment’ kind of realisation. Never before have I found a place in the world I feel like I totally belong until now! I’ve travelled wide and far and don’t usually like to return to the same place time and time again (with the exception of Thailand). Even great hols in Australia – I like to see new places and experience new things. So this is a bit of a mind bend for me to realise that my heart belongs in the Middle East. I knew I always loved it, having spent a month in Egypt in 1991 and lived in Israel for 6 months near the Gaza strip (sad stuff that’s going on and has been going on for years) may peace be upon the region soon. I thought perhaps going back this time I would feel differently but now after this visit my feelings and thoughts are even more intense. Two months travelling Egypt and Jordan has made me question everything! From Islam, living in the East versus the West, third world countries and so on…

It’s difficult for me being back in Australia in so many ways. I have and am still going through some severe Ozzie culture shock, but for now there isn’t a lot I can do about it (it takes $$ to travel) but accept, and acknowledge my feelings, desires and the part I play in my OWN life. My life can be anything I want it to be, I can make my desires a reality. I have choices and that is magickal and important and I don’t take any of it for granted. So in the meantime while we go on this journey of an economic downturn I choose to immerse myself into my writing and make the commitment to be a better, stronger writer. Enjoy the journey with its ups and downs and learn from my peers and other writers. And as they say: ‘It’s not the destination that matters, it’s the journey.’

So here’s to all of us on our personal and professional journey’s whatever they might be – May 2009 be a year of reflection, doing and achieving and perhaps even some soul searching. I made my New Year’s resolution and so far am adhering to it: ‘To honour and nurture my spirit.’

What resolutions have you made and are you sticking to them?

Midnight rambler signing off...Salaam Alaykum

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Song of the month

Listening to: Kings of Leon

HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Apologies for not posting sooner...Australia Day is almost over and I've been home for 28 days...more on that later. For now, enjoy the new 'song of the month'. It was a hot favourite of mine for last year and came in at No: 1 on the Triple J hottest 100 and deservedly so. I pretty much thought the Kings of Leon or the Presets would nab the number 1 position. The presets did very well with two hot numbers in the top 10. YAY for Australian music! A great day was had filled with great music. Enjoy :)